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Tania LI

Indonesia, Southeast Asia

Membre accueilli


My home discipline is social anthropology with a strong affinity with geography. My research themes are development, capitalism, agrarian class formation, land, labour, and indigeneity. For more information about my research see

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Les projets de Tania LI

Photo de présentation des actions de recherche

Programmes et actions de recherche en cours

Socio-spatial and environmental (in)justice and citizenship in rural areas of the global South: A comparative perspective

The research I will pursue with colleagues at UMR-SENS  is a comparative exploration of how a sense of justice is conceptualized and mobilized, and how justice may be achieved or denied in diverse contexts in the global south. Starting from the observation that representations of the just and the unjust, the equitable and the inequitable, vary greatly from one social context to another, we propose to examine the social, spatial and political relations that shape the framing of demands for justice, the modes of expression of feelings of injustice, and forms of mobilisation against injustice that deploy diverse institutions, practices, and forms of knowledge.

Photo de présentation des collaborations scientifiques

Collaborations scientifiques

My academic home is the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada.

The research project I will pursue at SENS is co-led by William’s Dare, Eric Leonard, Philippe Lavigne Delville. My presence at SENS from September 2023 – June 2024 is enabled by a fellowship from the French Institute of Advanced Study (FIAS) and MAK’IT.


Photo de présentation des thèses en cours

Thèses en cours

Les projets de Tania LI

Photo de présentation des actions de recherche

Programmes et actions de recherche en cours

Socio-spatial and environmental (in)justice and citizenship in rural areas of the global South: A comparative perspective

The research I will pursue with colleagues at UMR-SENS  is a comparative exploration of how a sense of justice is conceptualized and mobilized, and how justice may be achieved or denied in diverse contexts in the global south. Starting from the observation that representations of the just and the unjust, the equitable and the inequitable, vary greatly from one social context to another, we propose to examine the social, spatial and political relations that shape the framing of demands for justice, the modes of expression of feelings of injustice, and forms of mobilisation against injustice that deploy diverse institutions, practices, and forms of knowledge.

Photo de présentation des collaborations scientifiques

Collaborations scientifiques

My academic home is the Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Canada.

The research project I will pursue at SENS is co-led by William’s Dare, Eric Leonard, Philippe Lavigne Delville. My presence at SENS from September 2023 – June 2024 is enabled by a fellowship from the French Institute of Advanced Study (FIAS) and MAK’IT.


Photo de présentation des thèses en cours

Thèses en cours

Photo de présentation des publis

Publications récentes

Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation of Indonesia’s Oil Palm Zone (Duke University Press, 2021) co-authored with Pujo Semedi (Universitas Gadjah Mada).

Li, T., 2023. Dynamic farmers, dead plantations, and the myth of the lazy native. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(2): 519-538.

Li, T., 2021. Commons, co-ops, and corporations: assembling Indonesia’s twenty-first century land reform. The Journal of Peasant Studies 48(3): 613-639.

Li, T. , 2019. Politics, Interrupted, Anthropological Theory 19(1): 29-53.