RAMSESII - Roles of Agroforestry in sustainable intensification of small farMs and food SEcurity of SocIetIes in West Africa



Millennia of agroforestry practices in West Africa are currently facing multiple threats, testing the ability of agroforestry systems to meet current needs for increased food production to feed a growing population. vulnerable. The question asked by this project is the following: "How can agroforestry be intensified sustainably ?" Agroforestry offers local agronomic, environmental, economic and social benefits that can contribute to improving food, nutrition and economic security. It is an interesting starting point to explore for the design of sustainable and resilient agricultural systems in the face of global change. <

The aim of the RAMSES II project is to provide innovative intensification scenarios for the four most-represented cereal crop agroforestry parks in West Africa, while maximizing their adoption by smallholders. The approach is based on a multi-scale diagnosis of the key factors of park dynamics and the characterization of the multiple services they provide. In order to maximize adoption, the most advantageous intensification scenarios are co-designed by scientists and stakeholders using participatory modeling developed in the context of multi-stakeholder innovation platforms:

  1. At the farm level, a bioeconomic model simulates management scenarios proposed by farmers, providing them with the potential impacts on farm income and agronomic and environmental performance to help them select the best management scenarios. more adapted to their current priorities.>

  2. At the village territorial level, all stakeholders, including authorities (state and customary) and social actors (including women, youth, migrants), will co-build realistic governance that can support the chosen scenarios while including gender, youth, and migrant's equal empowerments.

Contribution de l’équipe Sens  :

  • Volet « Gouvernance des parcs » : études Sénégal et synthèse Sénégal+Burkina<
  • Volet « Dynamique des parcs à l’échelle des territoires » >savoirs paysans, perceptions et pratiques, effets de la mécanisation et de la réduction des jachères (Burkina Faso)

Mots clés :  agroforesterie, intensification durable, faidherbia albida, karité, interdisciplinarité


Bidou, J. E., Droy, I., Lavigne Delville, P., 202 - Parc arboré et mutations sociales en pays Sereer (Sénégal): une nouvelle gouvernance comme condition de la durabilité ? Communication au colloque Humanités Environnementales, 6 octobre 2021. Société d’écologie humaine/UMR SENS, Montpellier.

Bidou, J. E., Droy, I., Lavigne Delville, P., 2021 - Parc arboré et mutations sociales en pays Sereer (Sénégal): une nouvelle gouvernance comme condition de la durabilité ? Communication au colloque Intensification durable. IRD/Cirad/Isra, Dakar.

Lavigne Delville, P., Bidou, J.-E., Diallo, M., Droy, I., Coulibaly –Lingani, P., Serpantié, G., Yonli, A., 2022 - La gouvernance des arbres dans les parcs agroforestiers au Sahel. Cadre conceptuel et résultats du projet RAMSES. Montpellier, IRD-UMR SENS/RAMSES II.

Responsable du projet (au sein de SENS)

Philippe Lavigne Delville, Georges Serpantié

Dates début et fin des travaux

ene 2018 ago 2022


Sénégal, Burkina Faso


  • IRD - Eco&Sols
  • Cirad
  • ISRA
  • Université de Wageningen
  • Wascal
  • Apaf
  • Birdlife international