Caillon Sophie
Sophie Caillon
Membre associé
Ethnoécologie et géographie culturelle
Adresse professionnelle : CNRS – UMR 5175 CEFE – Equipe Interactions bioculturelles – 1919 route de Mende – 34093 Montpellier Cedex 05
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Les projets de Sophie Caillon
Programmes et actions de recherche en cours
- SeedAttach « Community seed banks for social justice and conservation of biodiversity? Networks of actors and dynamics of seed attachment “ avec Frédérique Jankowski et François Bousquet, financé par Agropolis Fondation
- PlantHealth « Health of plants in their socio-ecological ecosystem” avec Aurélie Javelle, financé par Agropolis Fondation
- CITRON « Assessing the crop diversity trends in relation with climate change based on local knowledge” avec Vanesse Labeyrie, financé par European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC Consolidator Grant No 771056 LICCI)
- Ecole thématique “Ethnoécologie et interactions bioculturelles” avec Stéphanie Carrière et Julien Blanco.
Collaborations scientifiques
Thèses en cours
Les projets de Sophie Caillon
Programmes et actions de recherche en cours
- SeedAttach « Community seed banks for social justice and conservation of biodiversity? Networks of actors and dynamics of seed attachment “ avec Frédérique Jankowski et François Bousquet, financé par Agropolis Fondation
- PlantHealth « Health of plants in their socio-ecological ecosystem” avec Aurélie Javelle, financé par Agropolis Fondation
- CITRON « Assessing the crop diversity trends in relation with climate change based on local knowledge” avec Vanesse Labeyrie, financé par European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC Consolidator Grant No 771056 LICCI)
- Ecole thématique “Ethnoécologie et interactions bioculturelles” avec Stéphanie Carrière et Julien Blanco.
Collaborations scientifiques
Thèses en cours
Publications récentes
Teixidor-Toneu I., Westengen O., Ulian T., McMillion A., Lorimer M., Grace O., Caillon S., Shrestha P., Kool A. (2023). Co-conserving Indigenous and local knowledge systems with seeds. Trends in Plant Science.
Doncieux A., Yobregat O., Prudham S., Caillon S.* & Renard D.* (2022). Agrobiodiversity dynamics in a French wine growing region. OENO One. DOI:10.20870/oeno-one.2022.56.4.5557
Locqueville L., Labeyrie V., McKey D., Sanabria O.L. & Caillon S. (2022). Semi-domesticated crops have unique functional roles in agroecosystems: perennial beans (Phaseolus dumosus Macfad. and P. coccineus L.) and landscape ethnoecology in the Colombian Andes. Journal of Ethnobiology 42(2), 198-216.
Pérez D., Duputié A., Verniére C., Szurek B. & Caillon S. (2022). Biocultural drivers responsible for the occurrence of a cassava bacterial pathogen in small-scale farms of Colombian Caribbean. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Conservation and Restoration Ecology.
Betley E. C., Sigouin A., Pascua P., Cheng S. H., MacDonald K. I., Arengo F., Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Caillon S., Isaac M. E., Jupiter S. D., Mawyer A., Mejia M., Moore A. C., Renard D., Sébastien L., Gazit N., & Sterling E. J. (2021). Assessing human well-being constructs with environmental and equity aspects: A review of the landscape. People and Nature, 00: 18.
Roy M. & Caillon S. (2021). Rendre visible le sensible par un engagement artistique et scientifique. Portrait de la flore des vignes dans le cadre d’une co-construction lente avec les vigneron.nes de Gaillac. In Foyer J., Chone A. & Boisvert V. (eds.), Scientificité et Spiritualité dans les agricultures alternatives. Presses Universitaires Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble.
Labeyrie V., Renard D., Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y., Benyei P., Caillon S., Calvet-Mir L., Carrière S.M., Demongeot M., Descamps E., Braga Junqueira A., Li X., Locqueville J., Mattalia G., Miñarro S., Morel A., Porcuna-Ferrer A., Schlingmann A., Vieira de Cunha Ávila J., Reyes-García V. (2021). The role of crop diversity in climate change adaptation: insights from local observations to inform decision making in agriculture. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.
Labeyrie V., Antona M., Baudry J., Bazile D., Bodin O., Caillon S., Leclerc C., Le Page C., Louafi S., Mariel J., Massol F., Thomas M. (2021). Networking agrobiodiversity management to foster biodiversity-based agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 41(4),
Sterling E.J., Pascua P., Sigouin A., Gazit N., Mandle L., Aini J., Albert S., Caillon S., Caselle J., Claudet J., Dacks R., Darling E., Filardi C., Jupiter S., Mawyer A., Mejia M., Morishige K., Nainoca W., Parks J., Tanguay J., Ticktin T., Vave R., Wase V., Wongbusarakum S., McCarter J. (2020). Creating a space for place and multi-dimensional well-being: lessons learned from localizing the SDGs. Sustainability Science 15: 1129-1147, We obtain the "honorable mention award", meaning we were one of the top three papers (of 107) in 2020.
Labeyrie V., Caillon S., Salpeteur M. & Thomas M. (2019). Network analysis: linking social and ecological dynamics. In Waldeck R. (ed.), Methods and interdisciplinarity, Iste Ltd. & Wiley, Londres : 69-97.
Caillon S., Cullman G., Verschuuren B. & Sterling E. (2017). Moving beyond the human-nature dichotomy through biocultural approaches: including ecological well-being in resilience indicator. Ecology and Society 22(4): art. 27,
Sterling E. J., Filardi C., Newell J., Albert S., Alvira D., Bergamini N., Betley E., Blair M., Boseto D., Burrows K., Bynum N., Caillon S., Caselle J.E., Claudet J., Cullman G., Dacks R., Eyzaguirre P. B., Gazit N., Gray S., Herrera J., Kenilorea P., Kinney K., Kurashima N., Macey S., Mauli S., McCarter J., McMillen H., Pascua P., Pikacha P., Porzecanski A.L., de Robert P., Salpeteur M., Sigouin A., Sirikolo M., Stege M.H., Stege K., Ticktin T., Toomey A., Vave R., Wali A., West P., Winter K.B. & Jupiter S. (2017). Biocultural approaches to well-being and sustainability indicators across scales. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 1798–1806, http://doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0349-6.
Thomas M. & Caillon S. (2016). Effects of social status of farmers and biocultural value of plants on seed circulation networks in Vanuatu. Ecology and Society 21(2): art13.